Friends of dmha
Spending over 30 years in Santa Barbara, we have had the opportunity to collaborate with outstanding organizations in our community. Our projects are successful because of the people we work with - each job is a culmination of talent and dedication of the individuals involved.
We are privileged to WORK with
General Contractors
Hartigan Foley Construction | hartiganfoley.com
Unander Construction | unanderconstruction.com
Allen & Associates | buildallen.com
Specialty Construction | specialtyconstruction.com
Young Construction | youngconst.com
Campbell Construction | campbellconstructioninc.net
McGillivray | mcgcorporation.com
NorthStar Construction | northstar-construction.com
Armstrong Associates | armassoc.com
Bottenfield Construction | bottcon.com
Schipper Construction | schipperconstruction.com
ARCO Design Build | arcodb.com
Matt Construction | mattconstruction.com
Interior Designers
Viajera Design | viajeradesigns.com
Brown Design Group | browndesigninc.com
Studio Collective | studio-collective.com
AvroKo | avroko.com
Engineering Professionals
Ashley Vance | ashleyvance.com
Taylor & Syfan | taylorsyfan.com
Cedar Structural | cedarstructural.com
BMA Engineers | bmaslo.com
JMPE | jmpe.net
DK Electric | dkelectricinc.com
MEC Engineers | www.meceng.com
Collings: collingsandassociates.com
Praxis | praxiseng.com
Van Sande Structural Consultants | vansandestructural.com
Landscape Architecture
CJM::LA | cjm-la.com
Blue Studio | bluestudio.design
Bosky | boskyland.com
True Nature | truenaturedesign.com
Arcadia Studios | arcadiastudio.com
Van Atta Associates | va-la.com
Photographers and Videographers
Jim Bartsch Photography | jimbartschphotographer.com
Erin Feinblatt Photography | erinfeinblatt.com
David Palermo | davidpalermo.com
Caitlin Atkinson | caitlinatkinson.com
Hayes Commercial | hayescommercial.com
Radius Group | radiusgroup.com
Riskin Partners | montecito-realestate.com
Lynx Properties | lynxproperty.com
Zia Group | ziagroup.com
Berkshire Hathaway So Cal | bhhscalifornia.com
SB Brokers | santabarbarabrokers.com
Jaeger Partners | jaegerpartners.net
Mayer Architects | mayerarchitects.com
Henry Lenny | henrylennydesignstudio.com
Robert Glazier
James Nigro
Bevyhouse | bevyhouse.com
Gensler | gensler.com
Community Partners
Habitat For Humanity of Southern Santa Barbara | sbhabitat.org
Direct Relief | directrelief.org
AIA Santa Barbara | aiasb.com
Santa Barbara Contractors Association | sbcontractors.org
MIT Enterprise Forum | mitcentralcoast.org
UCSB Economic Forecast | efp.ucsb.edu
Westmont College | westmont.edu
SB Humane Society | sbhumane.org